About Ayurveda
Ayurveda, the holistic life science of ancient India, is based on the belief in achieving health by balancing the being with emotional and physical life forces. These life forces are guided by three major bio-energies called Vata (air element), Pita (fire element), and Kapha (water and earth elements). Our body’s innate nature, called our constitution, is determined by the varying degrees of these three guiding principles and diseases set in due to an imbalance in this constitutional makeup. Understanding how the forces of your inner environment interact with those of the outer environment allows you to make the most health-enriching choices. health-enriching choices.
Nature is rhythmic and body-mind expressions are also rhythmic/cyclical. Time is a reflection of this rhythm and one needs to time one’s lifestyle and day-to-daybalance. This is very evident from the natural rhythm of sleeping at night and waking up in the morning. The neuro-hormonal network tunes itself to this natural rhythm to create a body-mind physiology that is in balance with nature. This rhythm is understood in the Ayurveda language as the dominance of the Dosha principle: